My husband hates me!!!

He just randomly said if I didn’t want to be with him to just divorce him.... he says I’ve been distant. I explained to him I miss when we dated he put so much effort and there was so much love in every aspect. Now he says he’s not in the mood to be intimate with me because he has no desire and I kill it because I do nothing for him at all(apparently) cleaning, cooking is things I HAVE to do more of so he can be attracted to me intimately. I work my ass off everyday just like he does I’ve even considered picking up a second job to make sure financially we are great. I take care of him and constantly remind him how much I love him I leave him notes and try to always remember to make him lunch. But nothing is enough. I kissed him the other day longingly and he stopped me and said why I kissed him like that if I never do. I said well I didn’t just want to tap kiss you. I’m like ALWAYS in the mood he complains about it and says because I don’t clean cook more often it turns him off and make him not want to be with me. We constantly argue while trying to make love. I explain to him exactly how I want it and he thinks it’s weird. I told him it makes me feel worthless when he just has his way cums and just tosses his shirt at me to “clean up”. I constantly tell him four play or think of me and finish me off. But he says next time it’s been six years when will he?? I don’t know what to do. I do love him and want to make this work but is it me?