Being around pregnancy after miscarriage

Elysia 💗

Hi there:

I miscarried at 9 weeks and had my d&c 6-19-19. It has been a struggle; so many emotions. One minute I feel “ok” and the next I have all of the hopes and dreams I had for that little life running through my head and the terrible gut wrenching sense of loss that goes along with. I recently found out one of my good friends is pregnant with a due date just a couple of weeks prior to mine. I am genuinely excited and happy for her. But also so scared to have the reminders of where I would be in my pregnancy and the pain that goes along with that. She lives out of state, so I don’t see her often. But she is coming to visit next month and some of our friends want to throw her a surprise baby shower while she’s in town. I’m struggling. I’m truly so happy for her. I can’t imagine not being there for her. But I also can’t bare the thought of being at a baby shower right now. Any similar experiences? Thoughts? Suggestions? Its amazing how I am surrounded by amazing support and yet never felt so alone.