Period talk


I normally don’t post on here about stuff like this but I don’t know whether to be scared or whether to go with the flow so here it is since October of 2018 I went to get a normal check up and my doctor use the wrong clamp and it gutted really bad when he opened the clamp so once it finished we did paperwork and so on so two weeks later I week for my results which was fine but during them two weeks I experienced some spotting and I told my doctor about it and he redid my pap with a smaller clamp of course but when he did he said it was directly from the cervix so basically telling me it’s my cycle so I was like ok I spotted for a month then it stopped then started back a few weeks after on and off for months at a time till this very day also to mention I went to get a second opinion from another doctor 3 months ago and she said the same thing and proscribed me birth control so I’m kinda at a stand still