Best Birthday Present!

Casey • Preemie mama! Lily Lee born 1/12/2018 at 29 weeks 3 days. 2 years TTC. MC at 6 weeks in 10/16. MC at 11 weeks 4/19. Rainbow baby #2 due 2/22/2020!

Had my first appointment yesterday on my 28th birthday at 8 weeks 3 days! Baby looked perfect! Heart rate of 174. Measured 8 weeks 2 days, so that’s totally on track. My cycles can be really irregular, so only being one day off is pretty awesome. Ramsi and heart rate say girl, which is fine by me! God willing, my daughter will be 2 and one month when new baby comes. I had a miscarriage in April at 10 weeks, but baby had stopped growing at 7+4. Thankful this baby has made it past the point of both my previous miscarriages! Now if he/she can stay growing inside me full term, that would be amazing, as my daughter was born at 29 weeks!