TTC: Clomid anyone?


Hello. So I have 1 healthy baby, and had a miscarriage past December @ 10 weeks blighted ovum. Both times I fell pregnant within 1 cycle. My periods have always been regular 28-30 days, even the first 3 months after miscarriage were regular but then then I had a sudden onset of irregular periods at 38 days, 37 days, 30, and now 30 currently waiting. It’s been 6 months of TTC using ovulation kits but no such luck. I know it can take up to a year but I’m concerned about the irregularities. Thyroid and day 3 testing came out normal, besides for slightly lowered DHEA and WBC.

I was just curious to see if anyone used clomid; did it help you conceive or regulate your period? My options are to either wait it out, or try clomid.

Please share experiences 😊