My heart still hurts


I dated this guy for a little more than 2.5 years and 2 of those years have been long distance. We broke up on Friday night because of distance and I don't think people understand the difference between long distance breakups. First, it's hard because we talked everyday since we met but now we haven't talked since Friday and that sucks. Second, it's really easy to pretend you're okay because you don't see the person everyday anyway so it doesn't feel much different. Third, in our case, we still love eachother.

Basically, I keep thinking I'm okay and then suddenly it hits me again and my heart breaks all over again.

Today, I just started bawling in the car because I heard a song that I felt I could relate to and thats when I realized I need to stop pretending to be okay. 2.5 Years is a long time for high school/college relationship.