4 weeks 2 days

I got my positive a few days ago. Haven’t been to the dr yet. I wiped this morning and seen this. Should I worry? I’m so scared rn and don’t know what to do. Is my baby going to be okay?

Update: I’m currently in the ER because I woke up in a pool of blood and have been having severe cramping. They’ve taken a urine sample and drawn blood. I’m currently in the waiting room. Doing exactly that. Waiting...

Final update: I waited for 5 hours just to be told I’m miscarrying and that I should go home and make myself comfortable. They didn’t do any additional tests to find out why even though I asked them to. I’m going to a new OB sometime next week. I have to make an appointment Monday. He’s going to do everything to find out why this keeps happening to me. Right now I’m just having to cope with this.