No baby? *UPDATE*


Had my first appt and ultrasound today... by my last period I'm 7w4d but when we did the sono we only saw the yolk sac. My doctor said that due to my irregular periods maybe it's too early & I'm scheduled for another one in a week & had blood drawn & will get it drawn again next week as well. Anyone have this happen & there was a baby? I cried over it and now I have to wait a whole week to see if there's any progress. I know every woman and pregnancy is different, I just dont know what to think & could use some words from other women (not my husband who doesnt really understand) this is my 3rd pregnancy & I've never had this happen before so I just dont know what to think 🤞🏼

Update: had an ultrasound today, was supposed to be 8w5d pregnant & baby id measuring 6w2d, but there's no heartbeat 😔 follow up appointment tomorrow to figure out next steps