I am on a journey of TTC with prolactinoma.


I want to share this time with you guys soon to spread awareness to it. I feel like I’ve looked at everything and there’s not a whole lot of women out there that have been diagnosed with it much less the ups and downs of them ttc. So I want to make that for anyone out there struggling with this too!


My husband and I started ttc in December of last year. I always had irregular periods so when 5 months came and went (so quickly I might add) I thought well I’d try OPK’s to track ovulation. Which I did but still nothing. In the meantime of all of that going on my boobs were dense and sore (normal for me before my periods but it was weeks and weeks and not to mention months without even having a period - which didn’t make sense) I was actually walking around in sports bras every movement hurt but was that enough for me to go to the doctor? No of course not. It wasn’t until I felt a lump in my right breast that I made the call. With a routine checkup and bloodwork we found out my prolactin levels were high due to a small benign tumor on my pituitary gland (located inside your brain.) The doctor didn’t seem too concern but what a kick in the gut. Me... I have a “brain tumor” that is why I haven’t fallen pregnant?! I was sad to say the least but at finally had gotten answers to my irregular periods and sore breast (prolactin is the hormone women produce during breastfeeding) Needless to say your pituitary gland secretes hormones throughout your body and when there is something causing havoc on it aka a tumor things can get messed up.

I started taking cabergoline right away to shrink said tumor and the side effects at first were undesirable. I take them at night before bed on Monday and Thursdays. They warn you they can make you nauseous and give you headaches but in my experience my side effects were;

Restless nights

Busy thoughts


Headaches lots of headaches



But good new is those started going away after taking them for a couple of weeks granted I still get headaches I actually have one right now haha but I’m on my second month taking this. I’ve read great success stories of women falling pregnant while taking this medicine so I’m hoping this will be my month! 🤞🏼 I’ve also had consistent periods that actually started when they were supposed too which were few and far between before this (ah I’m a normal girl again haha) most importantly my breast no longer hurt! I can jog, run, jump all the things again ahah!

I will continue to keep you guys updated and thanks for reading for this long but I really find it helpful when I can relate to people who have been through the same struggles I have and like I said I wasn’t finding a whole lot about it online or on this app!

SOOOOO ladies if you’ve experienced this or are experiencing this now leave a comment below I wanna hear for you guys!