You healed my heart ❤️

Alyssa • Married 3 years; step momma to 1 ❤️ TTC 4 years PCOS 6/15- miscarriage 1 11/15- miscarriage 2 1/16 miscarriage 3 1/23/16 Twins/ miscarriage twin 1- 4/1/18 twin 2 ectopic -4/7/18

I was desperately in need of something to love on after losing my five babies. And my husband desperately could tell. We together vowed we’d never get pets; as we are both clean freaks and did not know how it would work out. Then last Christmas my husband surprised me with this sweet little baby puppy and I couldn’t be happier now. He has helped me through our infertility and loses so much! And my husband couldn’t love him anymore. He’s my giant teddy bear. He’s only 8 months old right now and we are sure is just going to keep getting bigger!