

Ok ladies I went to urgent care the other day for a rash on my belly that wasn’t getting any better. Well the doctor asked if I was feeling the baby move and all that and asked if I had any pains or anything which I have been having cramping but I figured normal pregnancy pains so I blew it off well she had me pee in a cup and sent me to L&D to be evaluated. Never found out anything about my rash and baby was fine after being evaluated no contractions or anything but I found out I have a bladder infection. They also found traces of protein in my pee. I went today to get like an update per there suggestion and my blood pressure was high than normal it was 125/88 and it’s usually like at the most 112/60s or 70s should I be concerned?? They didn’t say anything but I also haven’t seen my actual doctor my next appointment is in 3 weeks. Does it sound like the beginning of preeclampsia or am I just being paranoid???