Opinions please guys 😩

I’m 14DPO and my period is technically due today. My flow has always been all or nothing. I either have my full fledged flow or nothing at all (not counting the last few days of spotting at the end of AF). Usually I wake up and AF has arrived full on. I’ve only ever once had AF arrive in the afternoon/evening and she came in a full on gush into my pants. ANYWAY. Earlier I went to the restroom and when I wiped I had some discharge like EWCM and it had some red and pink blood in it. I figured it was odd because it was the evening and it was not the usual full on flow. I just said whatever and got myself a pantyliner and waited to feel the familiar onset of my flow. I went pee again and when I wiped that time it was more pinkish and lightly brown colored. Again this is unusual for me. I went pee a third time a little bit later and there was almost no blood I would say my CM was almost orange-ish? I think I got like two little spots on my liner. I’m not feeling my typical strong cramps I get at the beginning of AF and I’m not bloated either which I usually get super bloated. Is it possible I could be experiencing implantation? I’m not getting my hopes up I just want to hear what you have experienced. I don’t have anyone to really confide in!!