Cloth diapers info!



Hi mommas! I’m a first time mom and I’m awaiting the arrival of my baby. I want to use cloth diapers but I’m not sure what all I need. Can someone please tell me what I should get and how they work. How do I clean them and when they go number two, do I need to wipe the diaper off? Also, are the inserts reusable? I hope these aren’t stupid questions. I just want to know everything that I can about them so I’m prepared! Thank you!!

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I recommend some YouTube videos, look up ‘ cloth diapers for beginners’. They helped me decide if I wanted to do it or not. There’s different types so it depends on which ones you get. Some you have to rinse off the diaper before putting in the washer. And they will stain so you do certain stuff for that. Also seen they need a certain detergent & also diaper cream. Inserts, from what I’ve seen, you can just wash and re use. Separately from diaper like not have the insert in the diaper..


Mariah • Jul 18, 2019
Thank you! I’m definitely going to look up some videos about it


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I follow an Australian group on FB that goes into lots of detail about cleaning them well. There’s an American equivalent (I’m assuming you’re in the US?), Fluff Love University. Here’s some of their basics from their website.


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We used Charlie banana brand all in ones and bought a diaper sprayer that attaches to the toilet from amazon. Honestly, I don’t recommend the Charlie banana diapers, the leaked on us on several occasions no matter the fit. The diaper sprayer is a total game changer though


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These are good questions but you should be looking at websites and YouTube channels that educate about cloth. There are several varieties and they all have pros and cons. There’s no universally perfect cloth diaper because it depends on your budget and preferences. It’s lots of fun though! Good luck mama