Diabetic infertility


I wanted to create this post as my husband and I struggled for 4yrs+ to have a baby and hoping to help someone in the same situation.

My husband is a type 1 diabetic and struggled with ED as well as retrograde ejaculation (sperm does not travel down urethra, rather it goes back into bladder).

Years and years of research, medications and doctors appointments. I found a diabetic baby forum and it mentioned Sudafed. We spoke with his urologist regarding the dosage amount.

Well our amazing little guy came in April 2019 thanks to a few attempts with Sudafed. Best option that worked for us was 2 pills 20 mins before and 2 pills right as we were getting started. It shot out like a fire hydrant. So hopefully this helps someone else who is desperately attempting like we were. He is now 3 months old and the light of our lives. Wishing you all the best of luck!