Too sensitive?

unicornsandrainbows • 2•5•2019❤❤ Pregnant with baby #1 October 2019 🤰🤰

Alright ladies I have a question. I've been with my current boyfriend for about 6 months. In the beginning he always wanted to spend time with me. Now hes always busy or when we make plans he conveniently bails out at the last minute. I dont ask for all of his time just a whole 24 hours once a week where its just me and him. He also seeks more moody everytime I go to talk to him. When I tried to talk to him about it today he automatically got really defensive and asked what the fuck I was talking about and he didnt understand. When I tried talking to him about it more he was playing a game on his phone, I told him I was going inside because this was obviously a one sided conversation. He automatically got defensive and said he was just trying to process what I had said. playing a game on his phone. But yet as soon as I apologized (something I felt that really he should be the one doing) everything was fine and he acted like it had never happened.

So my question is does anyone else think that behavior is slightly toxic or am I just being too sensitive.