Ugh! I hate the implant

So after I had my beautiful baby girl I had to go to the OR due to a deadly infection or something and I'm fine now but it completely ruined my plans of getting the IUD, I couldn't have any type of birth control that goes in my vagina so I had to get the implant instead cuz it was something I had to decide pretty quickly. Its been 3 months and I absolutely HATE this thing. I want to get it removed the spotting isnt even spotting its just constantly bleeding I had to get the cup instead of using tampons because the tampons started to hurt and I hate pads and I still leak and ruin all my underwear, I cant control my feelings one second I'm crying and the next I'm pist off at my fiance for nothing at all....long story short my mom moved to Tennessee with my siblings and I stayed in Michigan with my fiance and my insurance got all fucked up(cuz I'm a minor and my mom messed everything up) so I don't have insurance to even get it removed and I'm so mad because I'm waiting for my MIL to help me reapply and it's so stressful i hate this thing sm....