Snap back my ass🤥😏


Before conceiving my first child I had move to the suburbs. I was at peace in tune with my thoughts and self so I began to vigorously workout and got into fitness. Then boommm out of nowhere I got pregnant after 10 years of being married. I kept workout out up until 41 weeks literally hours before I went to the hospital. Now, I gained 50lbs with my pregnancy and was sexy, big and round lol. In my head I always knew I wanted to enjoy my newborn and was going to give myself some time before doing any physical activity besides daily walks. Fast forward, I had to be induced and got an emergency C section, that I can’t really remember much because I was too high. I remember going in and laying there while my husband talked to me then I was out like a light. My baby cries zapped me out the trance and the nurse was walking towards me bringing my son. I remember like yesterday I started to workout at 6 weeks postpartum and kept getting a headache, so I stopped and continue to enjoy my chunkster who was 8lbs6oz. I was a milk machine too, pumped to time and kept my supply up. I was so in love with my little boy that I decided I’ll wait a little longer. Then a little longer I waited just to gain an extra 5lbs. At 16months I was like, whew Chile! You need to get back in the gym. The weight started to melt off, and then the tiger strips start coming out of nowhere. As large as I was my entire 41wks I didn’t have a scar until after. I was moisturizing a lot way before pregnancy and during every damn minute and still it came out. When my baby turned 19mths I start noticing a little slim down from photos I’d take weekly. Almost 2 years later, i went from 216-188lbs and it’s okay. My mental clarity came back, good sleep, energy, sex drive never died but is bomb. I just want you mommas to know that even when you think you are doing everything right sometimes our mind and bodies need time. It’s okay to be focused on your new child and not eating grass, counting macros,drinking hemp milk and protein shakes daily after giving birth. It’s okay to enjoy the new life and blessings you brought into this world. Even though I’m back to being a hot tamale! My mommy stripes remain and just when my abs were starting to pop. I realized that every time I put my sweat belt on I feel sick. Yup, I did all that grinding just to end up knocked up again.😂💪🏾🤰🏽 This time around I will be starting my workout regimen at 10wks PP because waiting almost 16months made me so uncomfortable in my skin plus I went beast mode and some days I wanted to cry, I hate crying so nope! This time I’ll stay to hitting my weights until the Dr. tells me to sit my ass down. Enjoy your babies but do whatever you need to do to feel like yourself again. Whatever makes you happy and healthy! I laugh when I see these photos women are magical. I can’t believe my stomach could have ever grown that huge. Do yah things mamas, you ladies are stronger than you know!