Vagina infection or yeast ?

Soo im at a parole officer academy for 6 weeks and im 13 weeks pregnant.

I went to my 11th week check up and everhthing was good, thinking I wont have to go back until im done with the academy.

Turns out.. I have a fishy odmor smell all of a sudden and a little itchy. Also when i got intimate with my husband i felt a burning sensation. I have fire arm shooting next week and my doctor said it was ok to do

It. I dont know if i should go to the doctor now because i think i have an infection. can the doctor give me medicine without doing a check up or do i have to actually do a checkup? Its just hard to get time off. I also wanted to ask my doctor to excuse me from the fire arm so i can go home and visit him. Im 3 hrs away from home. I dont know what to do.