How can he afford this?

Hey! So before i even post anything about this i just want to clarify, i dont give a crap about money. I really dont. I dont think money can bring happiness or solve problems. And money related to guys and relationships, if u have a crappy personality but have money im going to leave kus a personality is more important than anything to me. Just wanted to say that is how i am, i dont come from money at all! I work hard for everything i have. And its not much. Haha.

But anyway i recently broke up with my ex and this guy who has the same name as my ex 😂 asked me out and so i agreed. Almost backed out but i dident. I met him and he realized he drove a corvette and i have a love for cars so it was cool seeing a really nice corvette and sitting in it! But he is so sweet and charming and just overall amazing! good looking too. I asked him what he does for work and he said hes in the air force! Also he has a car decal business and a few other things for income. So i thought that was cool! Hes 22 and im 21 btw. So i went over to his apartment, hes staying with some people before he buys his own house in a few months he told me. Which i thought was crazy, buying a house at 22. And it made me question like how much does this guy make 😂 like i dont care, non of my buisness at all but im just suprised. So dident ask him anything just kinda moved on from that topic. So he came with me to one of my photoshoots and he met my photographers and after it was over we went to a really expensive part of my city, and i was just showing him around since he is new here and we wanted to go eat. And me being poor lol i was picking like the super cheap places which werent that cheap since it was a very expensive area. But he wanted to sit down at a restaurant somewhere and i said okay u pick. So we go to the restaurant that has like 2 stars. Just to clarity my budget for food is taco bell 😂 and i was in complete shock. Like i got nervous because i was worried it was going to cost alot. Looked at the menu and the food was like 35 for a salad. Like crazy. So i got the cheapest thing on the menu to be nice and that was one of the salads that was $35 and he got the most expensive. And i dident look at the check but i swear it was almost $140 without tip. Overall i was just shocked. Like i have never had a man spend money on me like that and i felt terrible. But it was nothing to him to spend that much. So my question i keep asking myself is how in the hell does this guy afford it. Not to mention he booked a 5 star hotel visit for the weekend next week in a super nice place, is taking me to Disney next month, all paid for. And is wanting to take me to europe for 2 weeks within 6 months. Like... Im just in shock. Like how is this possible? Hahaha again money dosent mean a thing to me. I pay for my own stuff and all i really ask from my partner is attention. But im just mind blown at how he makes all of this happen. Any thoughts? Or is it hes in the military?