“I would never..”

Katie • Mama of two littles and a French bulldog 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐶❤️

Anyone else doing things they said they would never do before having kids?!

My son HATES the car. And I mean hates it. He cries until he is purple & choking on spit, will be completely sweaty and then inconsolable for a long time afterwards. I have tried everything under the moon to try and assist with this, but nothing works. He just hates the car. Has from the moment he was born.

On prime day, I purchased an amazon fire tablet and downloaded some episodes of Little Baby Bum. I placed it in the car where my son could see it & I just drove 25 minutes without a SINGLE. TEAR.

I know it may only get me about 30 minutes, but, before I couldn’t even do 5!!

I always used to say I would never give my child a tablet at a young age, and I wouldn’t have them watching TV or using technology.

However, the risk is worth the reward!

Anyone else doing things they said they would never do as a parent?!