Over it

MommaOf1👧🏻 • 👧🏼 1-1-17💜💕 👼🏻

I think if my period decides to come this month..I’m going to just go back to not <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> other than what flow says because for some reason I have gotten pregnant that way 2 times and once I try and track ovulation I don’t. It’s funny because I feel I screwed myself this month because my hubby left like 1 day after I was suspected according to my opk to ovulate and we BD the day he left and I think because we didn’t continue to have sex during that week it screwed us..cause every other time we have BD on a fertile week we got pregnant because we continued to have sex even after my FW so September hopefully will be my month cause I’m just gnna go back to my old way of doing it.