Attracted Pt. 4

Sorry it's been a few days but I'm back!!

I left off letting y'all know that I decided not to put anymore energy into this guy or the situation. I won't lie, I lost interest! I gave him my # on 7/9... I didn't have nor do I currently have any expectations except he would call or text within the first day or two.

Well, I was approached twice this week about my # being on his desk. To provide a clearer understanding, his desk is on a dead end aisle and he sits at the very end. I wasn't approached in a bad way. It was other women in my dept who noticed him as well and had the same idea to put their # on his desk but paused when they saw my name & #. I didn't want to approach him again because I left the ball in his court. After the second approach a couple of days ago, I finally worked up the courage to go back to him at his desk and ask about it. I did this after lunch because there was no one around. When I walked up his face lit up and he smiled! And said hi. To my surprise when I looked at his desk my # wasn't there. Keep in mind this was 2 days ago I was told this! I asked if he had thrown out my # and he said yes but he did save it. I nicely said oh okay. I was going to ask for it back but I'm surprised you saved it because you've had it for a week but I'm glad it's off of your desk because I had a couple of people tell me they saw it there. He laughed and said yes, that's why he went ahead and saved it because others were giving him a hard time as well but asked why would I give him my # just to ask for it back. He had great point and I let him know it's not that I didn't want him to have it. I don't like being approached about it I said okay well I'm sorry to seem like a pest I just didn't want others in my business is all. He agreed! He went on to ask me how my day was going and if I had gone to lunch already. He said we should have lunch sometime but he hasn't reached out because he's been busy. Ladies, we all know the infamous "I am or was busy." I laughed a little and said okay have a good rest of your day but he followed up by asking what time do I normally take lunch and I told him. He repeated the lunch idea and I said I will let him decide because not to sound mean or be harsh but you seem a little dry. I explained to him what I meant (meaning his answers were very firm and short)and he laughed (kind of loud) and said no he isn't that way but in that I took he is really shy! Kept it very short and sweet and I noticed him looking while I was walking away so of course I put on that walk (we all know THAT WALK)...

He seems like a really sweet guy!!

I finally had the opportunity to stand next to him and sweet Jesus he is a huge dude! I am 5'4 and he has to be between 6'3 and 6'8...🙃🤭

Less important note, I've never had my father or a great father figure in a life and there is an older gentleman I work with who has been guiding me on the dos and don'ts in this and has helped!! I gave him every update and he smiled and said how proud he is of me!! Not because I approached a man but that I know what I want and can express mysef without needing too much guidance or being too pushy and that made me feel really good!!

Not quite sure if or when there will be a part 5 but I'm not getting my hopes up. However, I am looking forward to our lunch date (whenever he decides)and let it flow and things will go how they go.

And to be very clear, it may sound like the things I said to him when I went to his desk were mean but I promise I wasn't mean or aggressive. We laughed and smiled the whole time I was over there! He could've been smiling to be nice, idk but I think it went pretty good!