Depression help

My mother in law recently moved in with us. Both her parents passed away in the last few years and most recent she broke up with her boyfriend of 20 years. She is so negative on herself and refuses to help herself. It's like she enjoys to be the victim because she is so depressed. I am so worried about her and how she acts towards us and herself. Does anyone know any support groups that can help or any tips on how to get someone to want to help themselves. Everyday I come home she is self pitying on the couch and then will tell me every negative thing in her life that is "out of her control" to fix. She won't eat at all, but will have cigarettes and coffee first thing. I need help to help her I dont know what to do anymore, I've tried listening and being loving, I've tried tough love honesty, I've tried bringing her places with me to get out of the house, I've tried asking her to do small acts of self love. Any advice is welcome.