Annoying how non parents guilt trip i wrong?

So my friend invited me to our state fair tonight and initially I said I’d go! It was gonna be good for me to get out of the house. As time went on, my daughter decided she wanted to start her 4 month sleep regression today and only have one short nap. So she’s exhausted and I’ve been trying all day to get her to sleep. I told my friend I won’t be able to make it. She calls me and tells me there were people who wanted to hang out with me and she knows I get anxious when my daughter cries in public but they don’t mind if she fusses. She’s like “it’s your kid so do whatever you want to do”. Like excuse me for not wanting to subject my kid to being more miserable just to hang out with everyone. My daughter comes before everyone else, period. I kinda just shrugged her off and said idk how she will sleep with all those people and was nice but I feel like I could have gone off on her 😒 idk what I’m trying to accomplish with this post I guess I’m just venting.