Lh for Hcg?

Dariel • Wife💍, Believer ✝️, 20☺️, Soph Nursing Student 📗 Small Business Owner 💫 MTB of baby #1 🤰🏽🍼❤️ My Identical Twin Angels Delasia & Delasio 👼🏽

Well here you have it. This goes to show that it can be true that an lh test may be able to detect a pregnancy. If you are due for your period in about a day, or maybe a day or a few late, you take a lh test and see a line either as dark as the control line or darker than the control line as SOON as it runs across, maybe...your pregnant 🤷🏽‍♀️. I am not saying it’s a fact. This is just my opinion from my experience so please save the hate comments 😂. I like to experiment 🧪