Please someone help me!!! BV struggles

Okay I get this shit, seriously, non stop! It’s annoying and flat out embarrassing... I’m in thousands of dollars of debt due to not being able to keep up with my dr visits...

Current issue, I have an appointment Monday at a local health center to be seen and treated for it.. again! Probably with the same meds that do not work!

Anyways.. ladies... Monday is forever away for me. I change my underwear 3-4 times a day, the amount of discharge is unreal, it’s burning and itching, and now I have the horrible stench starting up... literally all I want is temporary relief of this crap! What can I do at home to ease the discomfort and smell.. bc honestly, I’m sure I’ve got PID again as well. I’ve followed all my doctors instructions very thoroughly. What are they not telling me?! 8-12 times a year is excessive.. and flagyl is a freaking JOKE to my body.

Natural home remedies to help the burning, itching, stench, and please for the love of god.. discharge.. if ANY at all!

**edit for responses**

I am BROKE BROKE BROKE! Just started a new job and haven’t got paid yet, so I lack a bottle for doucheing with the peroxide solution, any at home hacks? And also I’ve been on meds for almost 3 years straight.. nothing is curing me completely and it has cause significant damage to my reproductive system.. and has caused me to even be hospitalized.. I am about to turn 26 in a few weeks.. I’m to young to fight like hell for my health. Uncommon cell activity, cysts, non stop bv, PID, scars on my tubes, I could keep on going.. i can’t cry anymore over this, I need a real chance to fight this. One day i would like to make my daughter a big sister and my fiancé a first time father. I can’t in this shape.