next birth control?

i had the merina iud for a year and a half, bled for 4 months then had regular periods and was fine and dandy, then i started to think and feel like it was expelling (i over think) so i got it out and got on nexplanon. no bleeding but MOOD SWINGS let me tell ya. had it for 3 months now and the other side effects are starting to pop up like acne, bloating, depression, anxiety so i’m thinking about getting it taken out soon. i’ve loved the long term bc but i can’t take the side effects any more. anyone recommend a new bc form? i’ve never done pills or the ring or any. i would just do condoms and give my body i break but like i said i over think and will think i’m pregnant every time 😂 also, i was thinking about the copper iud but i heard it makes cramps and periods worse? LMK down below please.