My father is very toxic, I need help.

Last night he nearly physically hurt my mother because I would go at a night club with some friends. He asked her with the worst way possible to come and get me from the club immediately (at a time I haven’t even entered yet). He called me yelling at me and made me cry in front of my friends outside of the nightclub entrance. When my mother came to get me, we were afraid to get back home because of how scary he was. So we parked at a neighborhood and waited about 1.5 hr having me crying that he destroyed my night and insulted me in front of my friends. He called me and my friends sluts and many other bad things as my sister claims. My mother says that it’s the first time he sees him that angry. He also claimed that I didn’t inform him that I would go there, even though I did.

Now its the next morning and he called my mother 2 times telling her that he wants to talk with me. He is about to come home probably to put me in my place, and I don’t know how to react. He won’t listen to what I want to say if I talk to him about how I feel. He believes that men are the top of the world and women should serve them and follow their rules. I’m a feminist and I really cannot live in such conditions. I’ve tried explaining to him many times that not respecting me or my mother is against my values and that I’d like some respect. I really am afraid to talk but at the same time I have the right to. I might get hurt, I don’t know...

Ps. I’m 18