Acceptable dating age gaps (teens)


I'm posting this because every once in a while someone will make a relationship post that mentions some type of age gap in which most of the replies revolve around that age gap instead of the post. Recently a girl from my school created a post about adults predating on teens that included an example like an 18 y/o dating a 16 y/o, which was funny to me because I am an 18 y/o dating a 16 y/o and I don't particularly think I'm predatory.

Most of my friends are either dating people in their age group, or a good amount older than them. There are definitley people who abuse age gaps into a power controlling dynamic, but for the most part among my friends, age doesn't play a role in their relationships. However, the people I do know in my age group that dislike age gaps have been people who were part of abusive relationships that involved an age gap (girl described above included).

(I'm only doing this on teens since they recieve the most scrutiny and it's much more of a non-issue when you're an adult)

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