

After over 2.5 years of unexplained infertility and numerous rounds of different fertility treatments... It finally happened on my first round of <a href="">IVF</a>!! Retrieval was a little intense.. I ended up with 11 eggs, 8 were mature and 5 fertilized. All 5 grew to blastocysts but only 4 were of the appropriate grade. Two were the best quality so we transferred one (5 days post retrieval) and froze the other 3. Yesterday was 14 days post retrieval and my first beta test came back as 126.8! I go back Monday for the second drawn. I still can’t believe it, after all the failed attempts.. it really breaks you down. I couldn’t be happier and am so grateful. All the shots have been worth it.. I’m still continuing with daily progesterone shots. This morning I couldn’t help but take a home test as I’ve never had a positive one before. I know I have a long way to go but I’m just go grateful to be right here right now. So never give up hope. Just have faith your time will too come.