Going crazy!


Ladies...I feel like I'm losing my mind. My son will not nap at all. I really wish I was exaggerating but for the past 2 weeks he has only taken ONE nap and that was last week and was for maybe an hour?

I am losing my mind as he is SO overly tired and fussy but FIGHTS sleep during the day.

I've tried to put him down 5 times already this morning in his crib for a nap. He's been up since 6am and it's now almost 1pm.

I tried putting him in the swing, but still nothing.

I've nursed him. Nothing.

I've rocked him. Nothing.

Put him in his car seat. Nothing.

I've used our white noise machine. Nothing.

I am losing it.

Everyone keeps saying, because he sleeps so well at night he probably doesn't need naps. I do not believe this whatsoever. He's a baby. He's need rest during the day and night. I'm not asking for a 3 hour nap, even just 30 mins will do to regain my sanity and catch a breathe.

Nothing is getting done and I am exhausted.

Could this be because of the sleep regression? He's still sleeping great at night, but does it effect naps?

From as long as I can remember, he's never been a great napper but I could atleast get one out of him throughout the day.

Looking for some words of encouragement ❤