Lil bean is okay at 8 weeks and 6 days!


Oh my heart feels so full, I’ve had bad spotting where it is bright red sometimes. I fully expected to walk into this appointment expecting the worse and no word about it because the tech was like, we don’t give results....but I finally asked, is that the baby??? She said yes! And steadied in on it, heartbeat 174, didn’t see it move it was relaxing but saw that tiny lil heart flickering like crazy!!! I’m so thankful and glad my husband got to see it with me. Becoming a bit more real!

Update: with the spotting I got a call back, I have two subchorionic hematoma, want me to take it easy, no workouts or sex/orgasm, and will see me again in four weeks. Excessive blood spots could cause a miscarriage but unlikely this late in the game. Wish everyone the best!