She doesn't know her fiancee

I'm heartbroken for her. She doesn't know he was screaming for help. I had a feeling and it wouldn't stop, just stronger with every hour that passed. The news broke someone was missing. That explains my headache I think to myself with a heavy heart. Also means family was notified but out of respect no name released yet. But I know him and her so word travels fast. She shared a playlist he made her before he left. The title stands out and is different, I notice immediately. A song jumps at me screaming LISTEN TO ME, so I do. And like that I'm hit with a wave, chills engulf my body and I'm crying before the song starts. I realized the length of the song is the title of the playlist...this song was meant for her. It's his note, the lyrics are in detail of what he has done. But no one knows that yet cause he is still lost. Except I do, I dont know how but I do. He doesn't see the pain she's in, still hoping and praying. How do I tell her. Leave her to make the connections herself? Or guide her and witness her heart shattering. He wont come back because he's been planning this for a year.