

Sooooo I’m so confused.. i had a induced period and it started on the 3rd-4th ended on the 9th-10th and then i had some wet clear discharge the last few days and 3 days ago i have had a flashing smiley & now i still have flashing smiley but on other ovulation tests i have a no on them, and barely have discharge now.. I’m just so concerned and honestly we have been trying for 3 years and never ovulated and had really irregular periods but i really thought this was our chance and I’m trying not to stress but also just confused.. and also i took ept tests and they’ve all been .3 and said NO but like 2 days ago I took one and it was .75 and said YES+ so obviously we have baby danced the last few days and used preesed but I’m not sure, maybe I’ll get a solid smiley???? I’m not sure. Can anyone provide clarity