Bottle to sippy?

Haley • mrs & mama ♡

My son is 18 months, and he still has to have a bottle at night. Typically 3 times, and I have to feed it to him. (He’s extremely spoiled, my fault, he’s my first and only) but we’ve got him drinking his milk from a sippy cup during the day and during his naps, but at night he still takes it from a bottle and won’t take it from his sippy. (I’ll picture them below) so I was wondering if any of you had any tips/recommendations ANYTHING for me, different sippy cups for him to use at night to replace bottles, or to get him to stop needing anything at night altogether and start sleeping through the night, on his own. Anything helps. I’m desperate. 😩🙌🏼

Nighttime bottle

Daytime sippy for milk

Daytime sippy for water or juice

He won’t use the 360 type cups, he just likes to make a mess with them.