Am I wrong? 🤔

My “friend” has a habit of calling me ugly and I HATE IT. She’ll often text “hey ugly” or “wyd ugly” and it irritates me and I get tired of correcting her about it so I just started ignoring her texts when she say that. If she text again later without calling me ugly, I’ll reply. She did it again this morning 🙄 And I know it’s no big deal but I was always sensitive when it came to things like that. Growing up, I wasn’t the prettiest and it wasn’t no secret. People used to pick on me sooo much, call me ugly duckling, burnt cookie, fat & anything else hurtful they could think of. Once junior year came around, I had lost some weight, was able to afford to dress a little better, and started to fit in more. That’s when the bullying kind of subsided. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still people who call me ugly or say I look like a man (I have pcos so I have a lot of dark spots & facial hair on my face) & whatnot but I do feel way better about myself than I did in high school. I’m not 100% confident with myself yet because I still have some things to work on and I don’t need shit like that interrupting the peace of mind I’m trying to get to. She may not be saying it to outright bully or make fun of me but I don’t do it to her or call her names so I’d appreciate it if she didn’t do it to me.