Life of being a mummy lol


Hey ladys, so I was woken up at 02:30am to my daughter wanting a feed. So i changed her bum and went and got her a bottle. Here I am feeding her till 03:00am I end up putting her to bed I start to fall asleep and next min I can hear err err err and then a smell the bomb has gone off lol

So I get up change her again 2nd time put a feast nappie on and again she shits that one too so another clean one by this time it's now 03:40am still awake so I'm playing with her nothing wide awake lol it's now 04:30am and I'm still awake lol and so is she lol I'm so tied and ready for bed mind you all she is 3 weeks old and 1 day and I have 3 other kids aged 10, 8 and 6 lol 1 busy mummy here ohh the life