Couples bonding time after Baby


I’ve seen a few posts lately about marriage troubles (or just changes) after baby, and my husband and I are no exception.

We realized that most of the things we used to do together don’t really fit into our lives anymore. For example we used to play hockey together but since this isn’t something we can do with the kids, we don’t play anymore. If we did it would be just one of us playing while the other watched the kids, which obviously isn’t going to bring us closer together.

So I’m curious, what are some things you and your partner enjoy together either at home or outings/activities that are baby friendly.

Maybe we can all inspire each other with ideas to spend some quality time with our partners or all together as families but things that don’t mainly revolve around the baby (because let’s face it, they suck up so much of our time and energy and it’s easy to lose ourselves sometimes).