
Madi • S 10/03/16❤ B 12/21/19💙 C 01/14/21❤ P 05/04/23💙

Anyone been told at their 13 week NT scan they have a posterior and then 2 weeks later at a 15 week scan you were told anterior??

Went for my early 3D gender ultrasound at 15 weeks 4 days and was told my placenta is anterior. I specifically asked at my 13 week scan (I was 13+3) to know the positioning of my placenta because I had an anterior with my first and it absolutely SUCKED. At my 13 week scan I was told it was posterior, I was over the mood and NOW THIS?!?! Beyond frustrated that they messed up this bad at a diagnostic ultrasound and at my elective one I get more accurate information. London X-ray association you SUCK.