Super sperm

My boyfriend and I got pregnant in March but I miscarried due to MTHFR (I have less than 2% chance of carrying a baby past 8 weeks when the spine develops). I changed birth control at that point to a stronger, more effective dose (we don’t want kids yet nor are we financially stable enough for them). On top of my birth control which I use an alarm to remember to take every day at the same time, we also utilized both the family planning and pull out methods. I tracked my cycles super close using glow and I also know my ovulation CM. I was on vacation the week of my ovulation so we didn’t have sex 4 days before or 4 days after. I’m roughly 10 DPO and 4 days before my expected period and I was having weird symptoms and decided to go ahead and test before getting drunk these weekend just for peace of mind. Well... this happened.