A cold...in summer.


So I managed to catch a cold- after months of meticulous hand washing and carefully avoiding sick old people.

I had a nasty cold that is finally finishing but now my baby has it and she's been up and down screaming all night because of the congestion bothering her. I am now reclining against the headboard of my bed with my baby on my chest, unable to sleep, because this is the only position she can sleep in.

To add to this, I'm technically on holiday visiting my parents and little girl has had some serious separation anxiety. So I've been tapped the fuck out - my husband is at work in the US and I haven't had more than 15 minutes to myself each day since being here (shower time, and even then my mum has to hold her outside the door so I can talk to her to keep her calm).

Idk what to do. I want to sleep too because I have a feeling she'll be difficult in the morning (It's now 5am here), but she doesn't want to sleep lying down and I know the congestion will build up again...