Finding my soulmate 💜

B • Proud mommy to a beautiful princess & loving wife!💕

So I met my husband through a dating app called meetme it was the summer of 2015 the summer before my senior year. He had texted me over a post I had put up. I don’t like texting on the phone I feel like you can get to know someone better by talking instead so we did. As soon as I heard his voice for the first time it’s like something in my heart clicked! We clicked. I’ve never felt this way about anyone so what I was feeling was so new to me. We talked from 10 to 5am! I never wanted to stop talking but I had to work the next day!. He texted me again when he got up which was the afternoon lol. Long story short I found my soulmate at 18 years old. We kept talking got closer and before I knew it we’ve been together for a little over a year and he asked me to marry him of course I said HELL YEA! 🤣 oh I guess I should mention he was from Brooklyn NY and I was from a small town in Oklahoma. In the summer of 2017 we decided to finally meet in person! You could imagine the butterflies I must have felt oh I was so nervous I actually forgot how to drive coming out of the air port! ( not something you should do). I had the best 4 days of my life I never wanted to say goodbye! And we decided not to I mean for a couple months we did but he came back to me and I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been!! We have a beautiful 1/2 year old daughter! 💜 and the future looks so bright for us! I’m so beyond lucky to have in my life! Comment down below your S/O 😍