Anyone brought any big baby items yet

Sharon • Mummy of four beautiful children ruby-Leigh(4)👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Jacob (2) and bailey-rose(1) Kerri-Anne 2 weeks old and married to a amazing man married for 2 years and been together though for along long time ❤️😍😂there all my world 🌍❤️🥰😘👶🏻👦👧🏼🧔

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If I find things I know I’ll need and they are on sale - I am scooping them up!


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Not until I find out the gender next month! I cant wait to start shopping though


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This is baby number two I’m waiting to see what I’ll be able to use and what other stuff I’ll need.


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Not yet but the only big thing we need is a double stroller because my youngest is 2. I did find onsies on sale 20 for $10 so i did get that


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I have most of the big things already from my first. The only give things I need is a new infant car seat and double stroller. I’ve been looking into some that I like and watching for sales. 🙂


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A lot of the big stuff I still have from my son and I’m having another boy


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The only big thing I need is the car seat and I'll get that in a few weeks. But i habe everything left from my last 2 boys.


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My sister has three kids and she gifted us a couple things they no longer need, a carseat, a pram, a playpen and we will get a lot of the old clothes as well! 😊


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Yes but only because he’s my fourth so I already have everything. Might buy a new stroller though because our nice one got stolen :(


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I have my infant car seat, a bouncer, and a swing already. I also have a stroller but that’s my sons, and after baby comes, it will become the baby’s. (He’s 4 and no longer needs it) Last time around we bought everything nearly all at the same time, but this time I want to be well prepared in advance, and have everything before baby gets here.If something I need is on sale, I’m getting it. If I see something online in excellent used condition, I’m getting it too. I’m not leaving anything to last minute ☺️