Recovery process after ectopic surgery! HELP!


Hi all!

So I had surgery to remove my left Fallopian tube on Sunday 7/14.. yesterday I started getting sharp pain from my elbow to my shoulder and when I stretch (when waking up or trying to get comfortable) there is a sharp pain from my belly button to my pelvic region. I also have started to bleed the past couple of days with clots and I don’t think it’s slowing down anytime soon.

I have accidentally picked up my 2 year old daughter a couple of times without thinking she’s roughly 24 lbs and idk if that could be causing the sharp pain.

What were your guys symptoms following surgery? When did you start feeling better?

When did you start picking up heavier things?

I’m scared I’m prolonging the healing process and I’m one whose always go go go so it’s driving me crazy to sit and rest most days. Any of you feel the same?