Recent miscarriage and TTC again.. help please

Samantha • Proud Mumma of 👼👼👼👼👼 TTC#1

Okay ladies. Im kinda in need of any advice/experiences/thoughts as I can't get to my GP for another week and a half as she is booked out. I've booked in to see her though...

So I had my 5th loss (miscarriage) very recently but my GP said given my age (31) with no living children I could start trying once I was ready..

Miscarriage details:

Conceived 3rd may approx

Tested positive 22nd of may

Multiple blood tests and ultrasound said everything was fine until 19th of June when I started spotting and HCG dropped.. baby wasn't growing etc.

Heavy bleeding and loss of baby happened 21st-24th June then just barely spotting on/off for a week.

HCG was declared not pregnant on 27th June at <4

My partner works Fly in-fly out of the mines and we were pretty upset with our loss (his first loss experience ever, my 5th loss) and we ended up having sex that night before he flew to work next day... he was away till 13th June and we again had sex that night and next night... he won't be home till 30Th now..

In between all of this I've had on/off clear/creamy CM.. but for the last 2 days I've had LOTS and I mean lots of Cleary stretchy CM like i did in my recent pregnancy before I found out I was pregnant and just feeling slightly off..

Would it even be possible to get pregnant when still spotting occasionally (meaning like 1 or 2 times per day but only when wiping, tiny amounts..) ?

I tested a couple days ago and thought I seen something but pretty certain I've got permanent line eyes lol..

Has anyone had this before? Please help and no negative comments please, GP said given my age and nothing found on tests I could start TTC when I was ready..