Wow worst day at work yet

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

I haven’t given my 2 weeks notice cus the manager is on vacation. But last night a lot of people’s power went out so a lot of other restaurants were closed. We got absolutely slammed with only 3 people here, a whole crowd in the lobby and a long line down the drive thru. Like I said the manager is gone so we are all panicking and then another girl comes in and the 2 I was working with left and another one came in too. And now I’m leaving and it’s only those 2 girls. Absolutely slammedddddd it was soooo stressful

I didn’t just up and leave I worked the shift I was scheduled 😂 9-2. It slowed down at 12 I wasn’t leaving them with a chaos. And I had a ride coming at that time so. I actually came in almost half an hour early and helped them right when I got there instead of sitting there. So yeah