Absent husband

My husband and I have 2 children. Toddler and newborn. We also have a small dog.

He just got vacation from work and while we declined going on a “vacation” per se, I still told him that I’d like to do something at least. We could have gone to the next town over for the day or brought our toddler to do something fun. We didn’t do ANYTHING. His vacation is over and he’s going back to work Monday. Last night the kids went to bed at 7 pm and I laid in bed waiting for him to get off his phone and talk to me. I even mentioned I wanted to talk or just spend time together without our phones. He just said that he was playing a couple games of pool and he’d get off. I fell asleep waiting. No telling how late he stayed up. This happens most nights. Every weekend or when he has the next day off. So when this happens like last night, he sleeps in until 11 am. So I’m left with the kids by myself and waiting for him to get up. I try waking him multiple times and he just says he will be up soon and never gets up until he’s ready. Whatever I give up. I get being tired and being on vacation wanting to sleep in a little later, but not until 11 am. He complains that he can’t fall asleep at night but if he only got off his phone earlier. He also wakes at 11 am and hops right on his phone. Spending no time with our children.

Or me, but idc about myself so much as I want our children to be acknowledged.

It’s just making me not want to be with him anymore. When I bring up a plan to go here or there he complains. Then if I get him to agree to going, he’s miserable the entire time and takes it out on us. So fine I figured he needs space, I try and give it to him then he complains that im trying to leave him out of things. I woke up early and took the kids on a walk and didn’t wake him to tell him and he gets mad because I didn’t think about him. I can’t win here. I just want a partner that will be present. A dad that will be there for his children. Not glued to his phone.