Yeast infection reason for late period?


Recently I have been concerned that I may be pregnant (discussed this in a previous post) due to unprotected sex and a now 16 day late period, which is abnormal for me.

I just found out I have a yeast infection from my gynecologist which is odd because I don’t seem to be having any obvious symptoms of one! I’m wondering if the yeast infection could be the reason why my period is unusually late? I also just read more about yeast infections online because I’ve never had one before and read that pregnancy can cause them, is this true?

Any help would be appreciated!

Side note: I was just prescribed meds for the infection. I had taken a pregnancy test about a week and a half ago which came out negative but since I was advised that it may have been a little soon to get an accurate reading, I am planning on taking another one after this weekend.