Am I Just Reaching???

So I got this at 11a. I’m four days away from my period, and this was my third urination of the day. I thought I saw an extremely faint line, so I took the contrast and sharpening to the max so I could make sure I really saw something. I am posting one where there is no alteration, and one where it is sharpened and the contrast has been increased. Both are in natural light. I’m obviously going to retest tomorrow morning, but your opinions are very much appreciated. Please be honest. If you don’t see it, don’t feel bad for saying “no”. Thanks, ladies!


I remembered that I have to schedule surgery for my knee, and that was supposed to happen Monday or Tuesday, so I stopped in at my VA for a quick blood test. Surgery has to wait, because I really am pregnant!

Again, thank you for all of the opinions and thoughts. For those of you trying, don’t give up on your body- this was my “give up month”. Baby dust and warm wishes! 😘😘😘

I think I see it, but I’m so afraid to hope.