I am so hurt.. (sorry, long post)

Ok so my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. We’ve known each other literally our whole lives. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby girl. We planned her and our relationship was amazing before I fell pregnant. He has a past of using drugs and I knew that when we started dating. He went to rehab and was good for months (so I thought). He was still on suboxone and very addicted to it, which I found out in January. So he told me that he would stop using it and he seemed to be ok for a little while. And then one day in April, I was going through his phone (not something I normally do but I felt suspicious) and found out he was back on heroin. I immediately called him, sent him pictures of everything I read, I was ready to leave him. And he somehow manipulated me into staying because I’m a good fucking person and I love him too much. So he told me he would get help and at the time he wasn’t even working a real job. We were broke and living off of my paychecks. I helped him detox and then we tried to pretend everything is cool.. So fast forward to today, he got his first paycheck from his new job and he told me he gave his mom half to hold onto. So I don’t believe that shit for a second so I told him that I want him to buy a drug test and take it in front of me or else he will not be in his daughter’s life. He refused and told me that I’m treating him like a prisoner (I’m guessing that’s his way of trying to make me feel bad). But I am taking it as he is still using and I should have known better than to stay with him all this time. Please give me advice.. am I doing the right thing?? Our families are close knit so how do I go about this without hurting his family or making mine feel like his family is bad?? (i still want his family in her life, they haven’t done anything) tips on being a single mother? Encouraging words.. anything will help me right now..


I don’t know if anyone will see this but some things are getting a little better. He has admitted to his problem after his parents and I came to him. He is currently at a treatment facility an hour away, doing well and I will be visiting him on Sunday. He gets out of rehab when I’m 39 weeks so I’m hoping that this really helps him. He’s already planning to continue treatments and meetings and he’s acting like the man I fell in love with again. I’m not dumb enough for fall for it, it’s still going to take time with me but I am happy to see him work towards it and I’m glad he chose rehab over denying it to us any longer. Please keep praying/sending good vibes if you see this. And any advice/good words would be helpful right now. 💗